Does sex education that simply teaches abstinence work? A nine-year, $7 million research was funded by the US government to determine the efficacy of abstinence-only sex education programs. Students who receive abstinence education are encouraged to put off having sex until marriage. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs, the Bush administration helped construct hundreds of them across the country. According to the study, students who participated in programs teaching abstinence-only were equally likely to have premarital sex as those who did not. The advocates of education focused solely on abstinence should be disappointed by this. It begs the question of how best to instruct teenagers about sexual activity and its repercussions. I made the decision to consult some high school students, the "experts." For more information on Genesis Magazines, visit our website today.
Most young people believe that sex education should not begin in high school. Children should only learn about abstinence in elementary school. The majority of sixteen-year-olds I spoke with in high school are already sexually active, according to them. Don't count on them to pay attention when you try to teach them about abstinence.
Teenagers generally dislike being told what to do. They claim that if abstinence-only programs just advise children to "don't have sex," they won't pay attention. You have to provide teens with the facts and statistics. Let them decide on their own whether or not to practice abstinence after explaining the potential long-term consequences of having sex before marriage.
The majority of high school kids I met with indicated that this lack of communication between parents and teenagers is the biggest issue. Many parents don't spend much time with their children because they are too preoccupied with their own social and professional life, or because they are divorced and live far away. If parents were present enough to impart the dangers of pre-marital sex, children might learn about them. Some high school students believe that instead of spending millions of dollars educating youngsters how to stay sober, the government should use that money to train adults how to be parents.
One sensible young lady noted that teenagers only engage in behavior that they perceive to be socially acceptable. The issue is with grownups and the behavior they set an example for in society. The younger generation is being taught by them that it is acceptable to "sleep around."
Many of the students I spoke with brought to mind the fact that children dislike being told what to do, especially by adults. Perhaps if a sex education curriculum was created that didn't push rules down kids' throats, they might actually pay attention and not just laugh it off. One girl confided in me that she had chosen to forego pre-marital sex but not as a result of a sex education course. It only took hearing her mother's tale, really. The girl didn't want to make the same sex-related blunders that her mother had.
One bright young guy suggested that the role of religion should be expanded. He informed me that many youngsters think they should abstain from vice and save their money for their honeymoon because of their religious beliefs. He wished that more religious organizations would publicly encourage abstinence.
Numerous children informed me that a lot of unprotected sex occurs when teens use drugs and alcohol. They contribute significantly to the issue. Want to know more about Club Magazines? Visit our website to know more.
The high school students I spoke with had smart and sage advice to offer regarding education that simply promotes abstinence. Why spend 7 million dollars on a study when you'll probably learn the most by just talking to the teens in your community?
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